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26 Jun

check out tirtha bali. an outdoor wedding venue by the cliff facing the indian ocean.

i had been to the place for a couple of times and it’s still stunning.

the beauty of gudang gambar

24 Mar

more photos of gudang gambar from its facebook. still in love with it even my wedding was done months ago…

these are not my wedding, but i adore the decoration.


9 Feb

i’ve never heard about plataran. not until a few days ago. if i knew about this place during my wedding preparation, i probably will do a survey visit.

from the photos in their website, the place look awesome. especially at night. they have 2 locations, in dharmawangsa & cilandak (both in south jakarta). i’m glad there are more and more beautiful alternative outdoor wedding venue in jakarta 🙂

more of gudang gambar

5 Feb

i don’t join facebook.

i know, it’s weird for someone who connected with internet every single minutes like me. but since i don’t want to follow the mainstream and claimed myself as anti-social, i’m too pride to join it.

but it makes me left behind with information sometimes, like i just found out that gudang gambar has its facebook account and store some beautiful photos of wedding there.

the decoration was by ibu atrina. too bad she wasn’t available on our wedding.

see more weddings in gudang gambar here and here

lacy luminarias

17 Dec

i think the idea of having these lacy luminarias is brilliant. they’re paper lunch bags with candles inside. just be careful not to burn the paper cover.

take a peek how to make them in martha stewart.

other wedding

17 Nov

12 days to go…

last sunday we went to gudang gambar to see the decoration of other people’s wedding. ours will be similar something like this, but we’ll have more variation of flowers and addition of some pale color from the flowers.

i just hope our caterer will do a better job, this one had a messed up table skirting and used shiny fabric!

but one thing amazed me. before i saw this wedding i thought there won’t be any room for any live music but they did. they placed the band on the flat roof! so stunningly amazing.

and one important thing, we need to pray A LOT for no rain. last sunday was only cloudy but no rain. i hope we’ll have the same luck during our time.







gudang gambar revisited

12 Nov

17 days to go…

photos from the meeting last week


this week…

4 Nov

25 days to go…

  • terjadi tragedi undangan cetak ulang 😦 . it was my fault didn’t confirm about the time.
  • kotak seserahan udah dilengkapi. menurut pedagangnya terbuat dari daun pandan.
  • minggu ini fitting kebaya lagi. mudah-mudahan progressnya lebih baik ya… 🙂
  • setelah baca rundown, akan ada kid’s room. jadi supaya khidmad, selama akad nikah, anak-anak kecil akan ‘disekap’ dulu

problem problem problem

7 Oct

1. biji bunga matahari yang sudah dipesan dari malang ternyata tidak tumbuh setelah dicoba ditanam. padahal udah coba di tempat yang beda dan ga dicoba ditanam cuma sekali. biji yang didapat dari tempat lain malahan tumbuh.

2. gudang gambar termasuk yang disegel. mereka jamin kita ga akan terganggu karena walaupun disegel semua kegiatan tetap berjalan normal, tapi males banget kan ada tulisan DISEGEL.

3. setelah browsing2 tentang penghulu di KUA kok jadi males banget ngurusnya ya. soalnya menurut orang-orang itu, penghulu mematok harga tinggi dan semua itu sebenarnya adalah illegal, karena mereka ga pernah mau ngasi tanda terima dari yang kita bayar. ironis banget karena KUA kan bagian dari departemen agama.

the venue survey

23 Sep

i don’t want the wedding in gedung, because it’s too formal.
here are some places in our list, mostly outdoor or semi outdoor, in south of jakarta:

1. rumah tanah baru
located in depok and the place is belong to the famous artist f. widayanto. i love the place until i realized the house is full of fragile ceramics! there will be some rascal children among the guests, so i crossed the place from my list.

2. omah sendok
the place is a restaurant, famous for the small budget wedding. it’s semi outdoor with a little pool in the middle. the place is free, tapi makananannya harus dari mereka. i was definitely going to pay DP for this place but when we tasted the food, we didn’t really like it.

3. bella rosa
beautiful rose. i passed the place so often but never really realize it’s for wedding. inside, it’s a party kind of wedding. a bit dark and kalau siang terlihat kusam. when we were there, they were preparing for a wedding and i was impressed with their seat arrangement for nikah. i keep the place on my list as back up.

4. gudang gambar
gudanggambar2 i instantly fell in love with the place. i really want it so badly for my wedding. the people there were very professional. the place is the backyard of a painting gallery with an open joglo and some frangipani trees. it’s the top on my list. bad news, they were going to sell the place.

5. rumah saya

rumahsaya2 located somewhere in pasar minggu. the road to get there is a bit narrow. the place is consist of several buildings. i didn’t like the main house and the backyard. but the joglo is awesome. too bad they placed the joglo on a tennis court.

6. gedung nestle/arcadia
when you survey there, just get into the spa and talk to the receptionist. the wedding place is by the swimming pool behind the spa. the place is nice but it’s too big for us. minimum for 800 people.

7. rumah kriya asri
i called the people there but no one picked up the phone. i decided to just show up there and pak satpam let us in. i wasn’t impressed with the place from the outside. when we got inside, it looked so plain. decoration needs to work hard here. and the gallery has ceramic flooring. it really turned me off.

8. rumah ranadi
it was already too late when i know about this place. but when i checked the photos here, it think i will put it on the 2nd place after gudang gambar.