Archive | April, 2010

pre marital check up

30 Apr

i didn’t do this before i got married.

but i think i should. my sister recommended me to go to pondok indah hospital. but i hate the traffic to get there after the office hour. and i don’t want to spend my weekend in a hospital.

there’s this new cute hospital in kemang, not far from where i lived. after some browsings, i found out the hospital has many good reviews. so, let’s just do it there.

-f- offered to drive me there, but it think i could do it myself. the hospital is small and nice. no one there for the lab except me. great. i don’t have to wait.

the lab girl tried my right arm for blood sample but failed. my vein is too tiny. then she tried again with my left arm. this time with baby needle. she needed to do 8-9 tests with blood, so lots lots of blood was taken from me 😦

i was a bit weak after the test, regretted didn’t let -f- drive for me. luckily, the hospital is not far from home and since my car is automatic, i relied on my right arm to drive.

i arrived home safe and sound. but with weak left arm. and dizzy.

shoes embellishment

14 Apr

found them from etsy 😉

more treasures

11 Apr

from mom, probably from lombok