
29 Jan

image source: 100 layer cake

if i can turn back my wedding and add something, i would like to have fireworks. not the big one in the sky but the stick ones, where people can hold it *is it still called fireworks in english? not sure*

firewoks always reminds me of happy times: as kid we almost always have it during the ramadhan nights to play with other children. and as grown up, i use it to play with my niece.

image source: green wedding shoes

2 Responses to “fireworks”

  1. Fry February 7, 2010 at 12:11 pm #

    Hi mf.. ini frida dari superbridezilla!! blognya gw link di blog gw yaaa…

  2. -mf- February 7, 2010 at 1:24 pm #

    boleh banget.
    makasih ya 🙂

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